Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Best WordPress RSS Feed Generator Plugin - 7 Features It Must Have

There are quite a few feed generator plugins, which you can use with your WordPress blog or website. Some of them will only generate new feeds whenever new content is published on your websites and you will be notified by email about your new feed. But there are also WordPress plugins which will not only generate new feeds but also submit them automatically to numerous RSS aggregators. It is a perfect combination considering the time and money leverage for your business.

What should you pay attention to when choosing such a plugin

Apart from basic automatic feed generator and submission features the tool should be able to:

1. Submit new feed to more than 50 RSS aggregators.

2. Provide Captcha code support. Captcha code is used by some of the RSS directories to protect them from spam.Usually the most valuable RSS directories use this protection.

3. Place your keywords in RSS feed names. The RSS feed which is created whenever you publish new post should use the title of the post in the filename, which obviously is a huge benefit in terms of SEO.

4. Provide you with a list of RSS Feed URL's for copying or pasting them into other applications.

5. Offer spinning capability for extra feeds titles and descriptions.

6. Create feeds from pages as well as posts.That way you will get more feeds for further submission.More submissions mean more backlinks and more traffic to your website.

7. Offer upgrade capability so that It is possible to use the inbuilt upgrade capability to enable upgrading to the new version without requiring a manual installation.

What Is an RSS Feed and How to Generate Mass Traffic Using Them?   Explained: Really Simple Syndication   How to Properly Get More Subscribers for Your RSS Feeds   The Magic of RSS   

The Future of RSS Feeds

RSS feeds used to be practically unknown in the world of the internet, in its early stages of development up till the date of its release, it had failed to gain recognition as a useful part of the internet, but was often dubbed to be a failed invention hoping to pierce through the layers of the other applications, to join in the success of the internet. Although since the beginning of RSS feeds have been shunned and disapproved, but ever since it was taken up by the world of blogging it has grown by epic proportions and finally blossomed to the stage whereby it is now a relevant and essential member in the world of marketing.

If you though that RSS feeds were a blogging entity, you are right, but only partially right, for you see RSS feeds which started off as a blog application, has now gained so much popularity that it had advanced to become a brand new virtual powerhouse capable of standing on its own without the support of its former support, blogs.

This is because many of the former businessmen, whom have devoted their time to belittle the concept of using RSS feeds, can now see the light, in the form of the power and potential of RSS feeds. The RSS is generally a tool which allows internet users to access what they are looking for faster with minimal hassle. In addition to that it also allows webmasters to revamp the look of their websites with new content and updates. None of that really sounds all to exciting back then, but now, RSS is known widely across the globe for its various abilities, such as, bringing in new web site visitors, improve your search engine rankings, and most importantly generate an interest in your products or service.

In addition to that, there is also the potential of the RSS improving as an online marketing tool. With its flexibility as a communication medium and the enclosure tags showcasing capabilities for expansion, the RSS is set to become one of the futures great online marketing tools. Besides that, there is also the aspect of the growing popularity of RSS. In light of its massive popularity amongst the general population now, you can bet that the public is expecting nothing short of massive from RSS. Which is why as an investment, RSS is at a stage whereby the potential is invaluable. From that we can conclude the future looks very bright for RSS.

What Is an RSS Feed and How to Generate Mass Traffic Using Them?   Explained: Really Simple Syndication   How to Properly Get More Subscribers for Your RSS Feeds   The Magic of RSS   

Delivering Multimedia Content With RSS

Those who subscribe to RSS feeds will receive updates from preferred web pages. The files are "enclosed" in RSS objects. Then, it is immediately sent to its subscribers. The attachments may be in the form of an audio file, image, video, or even a programme. For instance, RSS feeds with attachments are podcasts, MP3 blogs, Vlogs, as well as appcasts.

One of the most common usages of RSS is for podcasting. Audio substance is sent out via audio files to the feeds. The reputation of podcasting is assisted in half by the tool on which this term was based upon - the iPod. The term "Podcast" is a mixture of iPod and Broadcast. In the beginning phases, individuals of handheld audio players like iPod are able to immediately download substance in spoken form from private Internet radio talk show publishers to their computers. They can then hear them on their iPods later. The ability to hear one's preferred radio talk show at a later time became an extremely popular element and gradually turned into a major success.

This method of delivering content hastily developed, creating the possibility for various media file types to be utilized as attachments. Attachments in the form of images allowed photo sharing through the Internet. Web pages focusing on photo sharing, like Flickr, provided RSS feeds for user's pictures. The feed made it possible for individuals to subscribe to photo albums belonging to other people, in order that their choice of photographer's latest pictures or their friend's most recent holiday photos are sent on the spot to them when they are being posted. Huge fans of online comics are also able to receive advantages from attachment of images to RSS. You can subscribe to the online comic's RSS feed and recent additions are immediately sent to your selection of RSS syndicator.

On the contrary, video attachments via RSS caused a vast growth of video blogs, or also known as Vlogs. These type of blogs use videos as their major subject matter and most of the time, comes with a supporting image, text or extra information in order to give context to the subject matter. Thanks to the introduction of the iPod which is video compatible, Vblogs are steadily increasing in its popularity level.

One of the types of RSS feed whereby programs which can be executed are enclosed to constantly provide recent forms of software is known as appcasting.

Although not as popular as video blogs and podcasting, applications still holds much significance, particularly for people in the IT field.

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What Is an RSS Feed and How to Generate Mass Traffic Using Them?   Explained: Really Simple Syndication   How to Properly Get More Subscribers for Your RSS Feeds   The Magic of RSS   

RSS Feeds: Website Owners' Secret Weapon

How does one man or woman like you with a blog stand out against the other millions? What can you use to gain an advantage or give your blog site a leg up on the vicious online competition? The answer is very simple. In fact, you probably have seen it countless times already. It is the use of RSS feeds on your web page. This is one of the latest web tools introduced to give everyone a sporting chance of getting the limelight to shine on their site and that is if the owner knows how to use it. Do not worry though. The following paragraphs will provide you with all the details you need to know and techniques to employ in order to use RSS feeds the right way.

First of all, this has actually been going on for quite some time now. However, there are still a lot of people who have no clue as to what it is. Even if they constantly see the icons next to the famous Facebook and Twitter subscription, this button has fairly a few supporters. People will still resort to bookmarking which is needless to say a primeval way in the online world. A good way to increase RSS supporters is obviously first by getting a button placed on your site. You can do this through programming it in yourself or by hiring automatic and preset ones on some sites. The latter will require a certain fee on a monthly basis but will be of great help for inexperienced web users. But do not just get any sort of button. Make sure that it will be of a good size that surely only a blind person can be missed. Of course, place it on the top or side where it will be easily seen as well as on every page on your site. This is a basic rule so do not forget about it. You will also be able to see RSS traffic flow in drastically if you will post about it. This is a very effective and not to mention skillful way to lead people in your site. Do this as often as you can.

However, there is really just one sure fire way to increase traffic to a web site. That is through providing quality web content for the viewers. Give only the best, informative, current and comprehensive headlines and news if you are on that area. It would also be ideal if you get creative with it as people are always looking at the unique ones. If you are a business site, then you should definitely always give out product info which will correspond with the truth. By doing this, you get their trust and might just recommend other people to subscribe to your RSS feeds as well to get constant updates on your newest items selling. Also, get traffic by encouraging your present supporters to recruit others. Then, once you get hold of the people, grab on tightly. Make them realize that you are in fact different and do care about the subscribers. Send them email to check up on what they want, their comments, opinions and suggestions for your site.

What Is an RSS Feed and How to Generate Mass Traffic Using Them?   Explained: Really Simple Syndication   How to Properly Get More Subscribers for Your RSS Feeds   The Magic of RSS   Making Your Own RSS Feeds   The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   

Before You Sink, Send Out an RSS


If you are new to Internet Marketing, then acronyms like RSS and XML probably sound closer to a vaccine than a helpful tool to boost your business. Below I will teach you the basics of RSS, so that you don't sink in the sea of IM terms.

Before I dive into the nitty gritty details, let's get a few definitions out of the way:

XML (Extensible Markup Language):a set of rules for encoding documents electronically. Essentially, it provides a flexible format for creating structured computer documents.

RSS (Really Simple Syndication): a family of web font formats coded in XML used to provide subscribers with frequently updated information. It is a way to get information from blogs and other sources without actually logging into the blog.

Web Syndication:website material is made available on a number of different websites such as RSS Feeds, news, and press releases.

Web Feed: Allows feed readers to access a site automatically when looking for new content and the post updates about that new content on other sites.

Learning RSS Basics Essentially, you use RSS to subscribe to the web feed of a site, blog or other media content found online (including video, music, or any other digital media).

When you syndicate, you no longer need to visit the actual site to read or receive the latest posted content. Alternatively, you use feed-reading software or websites to view the most recent content.

The glamour of it all is that rather than visiting all of your favorite sites each day to catch up on the latest news, you will receive everything of interest all in one place. This is a highly efficient way for you to get your favorite content as soon as it posts.

I won't bore you with XML information because it is really of no value unless you are a tech-junkie. I will stick with the basics so that you better understand the value of web feeds.

Feed Reading: Software or Web-Based If you perform a Google search for RSS readers, you will find several viable options. Search for one that is free and functional for what you want. Test out 2 or 3 before deciding on your favorite. Remember there is always a learning curve when trying out new software. Once you start receiving your feeds, the software will become easier to understand.

RSS reader software is a wonderful option, but there is a downside. You can only receive RSS feeds on the computer to which you installed the actual software. If you have more than one computer in your life (which most of us do), then you may want to opt for a web-based feed reader.

Web-based readers are fantastic because they are entirely Internet based and you can access your syndicated feeds online from any computer location. You also have the option to share your feeds with others and search what others are reading.

Subscribing to a Web Feed You have probably noticed at the top of blogs or other sites an orange RSS link button. This is what you use to subscribe to feeds. Click on the RSS link button, then copy and paste the web link into your feed-reading software or web-based reader. Sometimes you will have to name the feed, but other times the feed will be aptly named so you remember what it is.

Any blog you read will have a link to subscribe to. They come in various names including RSS, Atom, or Syndicate. Regardless what it is called, they all do the same thing. Like any new technology, different standards have been set to create web syndications. Much like DVD technology beating out the old Laser Disc, RSS seems to be winning this competition.

Though the rage of RSS began in the blogging world, many other forms of web content are catching onto the syndication fad. Many of the larger corporations and major sites are offering syndication for nearly all content.

Next time you click on a big site to read an article, check and see if it offers syndication. Most likely, you will find that it does.

Another form of syndication that is catching on rather quickly is Podcasting. A podcast is essentially an audio show that you are able to listen to on your computer or an MP3 device. Many sites like Apple's iTunes allows you to subscribe to various podcasts for free.

Syndication is the New Future Become familiar with the technology of RSS because as an Internet marketer, you will likely find it to be a useful tool for your business. Even if you aren't a blogger, syndication is a great tool to help your customers and viewers make an easier life on the Internet.

What Is an RSS Feed and How to Generate Mass Traffic Using Them?   Explained: Really Simple Syndication   How to Properly Get More Subscribers for Your RSS Feeds   The Magic of RSS   

Information on RSS Feeds

In the present day, almost everyone relies on the Internet for all sorts of things, from general information, to buying and selling products, maintaining businesses, communicate with friends, make money through various methods, and much more. Basically web surfers want as much pertinent content as possible, presented to them in a form that's easy to read, which would allow them to get the most out of their time spent online. Information has to be presented in such a way that it captures attention without overwhelming readers with too much information, which is exactly why RSS Feeds were developed.

There are hundreds of millions of web pages on the Internet, each with its own specific content and style, which is orientated towards a specific group of readers, who usually keep an eye out for updates and modifications to the pages they are interested in. This sounds alright if you consider a hand-full of users that search for some generic web sites which show up in the first pages of search engines results, but the truth is, there are a lot more pages that may be interesting, but readers never get to them because they are far away in the search engine results. What if you could control the way you receive results and the way you receive updates on site you like?

When searching for something, web surfers usually tend to ignore pages with large chunks of text and no presentation, and go for pages with short and concise titles and headings. Although within that large chunk of text, they might find what they are looking for, it's basic human nature to pick the way that seems the easiest, in this case to pick a page which contains titles that interest you, eliminating the need for you to search within the actual content.

RSS Feeds provide these exact features. Basically RSS feeds are web feeds (in general XML files) which contain short descriptive data about specific subjects. They're main use is to describe in a few words what a specific site is about, allowing for easy updates from developers, and enabling users to subscribe with their email addresses in order get constant updates and news.

A good example would be a news web site, where users can subscribe to get feeds in the form of short stories related to news subject, in the format BIG TITLE followed by a few words, and a read more button which points to the web site.

Using RSS Feeds is recommended especially when you have a web site with large amounts of content, in order to draw in more users, and to allow existing users to get timely updates on the subjects they're interested in. The possibilities of using RSS Feeds are unlimited, and the flexibility it provides makes it a very good choice for community and web site managers that care about their users.

What Is an RSS Feed and How to Generate Mass Traffic Using Them?   Explained: Really Simple Syndication   How to Properly Get More Subscribers for Your RSS Feeds   The Magic of RSS   Tracking News Through RSS Feeds   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   

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